Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 6 in Brookline, Massachusetts!
Scouting is for everyone!All children in kindergarten through grade 5 and their families are welcome to join Pack 6, regardless of personal faith or lack thereof, color, race, religion, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, or economic status. The Boy Scouts of America believe that Black Lives Matter.
Pack 6 is comprised of parent volunteers! That means we need your help to make the scouting experience enriching and rewarding for you and your kid(s). Parents are expected to be present and engaged at all den and pack events. |
Pack 6 Court of Honor
Pack 6 Brookline Events (2023-24)
Sept 10: Come visit our booth at Brookline Day!
Sept 16 (9:15am): Kick-off Adventure Day at New England Base Camp, New scouts welcome! Kids can learn to build a fire, tackle a ropes course, pick up archery skills, and more!
October 12: Fishing clinic
November 4-5: Nautical Nights at Battleship Cove. Sleep on real sailors' bunks and explore the USS Massachusetts
December 2nd 9am: Blue Hills Trailside Museum and Hike. Visit the small museum, the rescue animals that they have there, and to do a hike (long or short depending on age) in the Blue Hills.
January 20th: Snow tubing! Break out the winter clothes for a fun morning of snow tubing.
February 10th: Raingutter Regatta Can you build the fastest boat and race it down to the finish line? Or will you win prizes for your clever design?
March 10th: Rock climbing Join the pack for a fun indoor rock climbing adventure!
April 7th: Community service and Blue & Gold dinner Give back to the community and also join for a Pack-wide celebratory dinner.
May 3-4th: Family camping Enjoy the return of warm weather with a fun family camping trip. No camping experience required.
More events to come!
Pack 6 Den Meetings
Each grade level will attends Den Meetings twice a month in addition to Pack Events, to work on rank-specific Adventures and activities.
Kids in 6th grade or older looking for a Boy Scout Troop? Check out Troop 6 in Brookline.